旧金山/上海 2017年6月8日 – NetBooster Asia携程序化助手8matic将Adello技术引入中国。此独家合作为中国带来了高性能机器学习移动广告技术“AdCTRL”。
对于此次合作,NetBooster Asia的首席执行官Pascal Duriez表示:“我们8matic的程序化购买团队评估过很多技术供应商。我们对多个广告投放的结果与客户的关键指标进行了详细对比,验证了Adello的创新方法及突出的效果。与市场上其他的供应商相比,他们先进的人工智能预测技术使CPA降低达50%。我们也非常欣赏其提供的可视性跟踪和预防欺诈的整体方案。尤其对于国际大客户来说,我们需要提供的并不只是简单的白名单和事后分析,而是领先的品牌安全解决方案。”
NetBooster Asia(隶属于巴黎NetBooster有限公司)创立于2010年,与PRC保乐力加,Club Med地中海俱乐部等众多客户有长期紧密的合作关系。联合创始人Pascal拥有丰富的广告代理经验,并且在行业中有良好的人脉关系。在创办NetBooster Asia之前,他曾供职于亚太区多家知名广告公司,包括菲律宾和中国(上海)奥美行动(WPP)总经理。
对Adello来说,中国是其国际增长战略的下一步。Adello在2015年被授予“创新公司领袖”。该硅谷公司已成功进军新加坡、马来西亚和印度尼西亚,并在整个亚太地区开展业务。Adello公司首席执行官马克•福斯特(Mark Forster)表示:“通过与NetBooster Asia及其程序化伙伴8matic的合作,我们成功地打入了亚洲最大的市场。这种伙伴关系使得双方各司其职、专注于发挥各自的优势。NetBooster Asia和8matic与中国的客户和代理商建立良好关系,而我们专注于开发一流的机器学习技术,在全球范围内提供更可观的广告投资回报率。”
NetBooster Asia专注提供数字化营销解决方案。我们的方案从消费者的角度出发,为品牌提供媒体和创意活动,借此影响整个消费者决策历程。
8matic是NetBooster Asia的姐妹公司,也是中国领先的独立程序化交易平台。我们通过整合国内多种广告技术和数据生态系统,帮助品牌制定最优的程序化广告媒体采购策略。
Wei Phung, wphung@netbooster.com
David Rubeli, david.rubeli@adello.com
San Francisco/Shanghai, June 8, 2017 – NetBooster Asia with its programmatic arm 8matic and Adello have agreed to jointly launch Adello technology in China. This exclusive partnership brings proven machine-learning mobile advertising technology “AdCTRL” to mainland China.
NetBooster Asia’s CEO Pascal Duriez on the cooperation: «Our programmatic team from 8matic had evaluated various technology providers. By running campaigns head-to-head we could easily compare the results down to the metrics which really matter to our clients. The outcome did confirm the viability of Adello’s innovative approach. Their machine-learning predictions did deliver up to 50% better CPA compared to the other large vendors in the market. We also liked their holistic approach in providing viewability tracking and fraud prevention. Especially for our international blue-chip clients we need to deliver leading solutions for brand-safety beyond simple whitelisting and ex-post analysis.»
NetBooster Asia (an affiliate of the NetBooster SA in Paris) has established itself firmly with clients such as Pernod Ricard and Club Med. Co-founder Pascal Duriez has vast agency experience and is well connected in the industry. Prior to NetBooster Asia he had served in various roles across the entire region, among others as Managing Director for Ogilvy Action (WPP) in the Philippines and China (Shanghai). He Co-founded NetBooster Asia in 2010.
Adello revolutionizes AI programmatic media buying through its AdCTRL DSP--a technology that has deep learning algorithm capabilities, which results to improved targeting capabilities and conversion rate. Adello also promises close to 100% viewability of mobile impressions and fraud-free mobile advertising.
For Adello, China is a logical next step in their international growth strategy. Adello had been awarded «Venture Leaders China Winner» in 2015. The Silicon Valley-based company has successfully launched into Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia and has been running campaigns across the entire APAC region. As Mark Forster, CEO of Adello puts it: «With this cooperation with NetBooster Asia and its programmatic arm 8matic, we effectively break into the largest market in Asia. This partnership allows each side to focus on what they do best. While NetBooster Asia and 8matic are well established with clients and agencies in China, we can focus on our role to develop best-in-class machine-learning technology to deliver unmatched advertising ROI, globally.»
About US
NetBooster Asia focuses on performance digital marketing, where Performance means delivering media and creative campaigns based on consumer insights to generate results throughout the whole consumer journey. We take pride in delivering end-to-end strategies and executions in-house with our “Native to Digital” team
8matic is a sister company of NetBooster Asia and China’s leading independent programmatic trading desk. We help brands to leverage China’s vast but fragmented ad-tech and data ecosystem to develop and execute best-in-class programmatic media strategies.
Wei Phung, wphung@netbooster.com
David Rubeli, david.rubeli@adello.com